Friday, January 28, 2011

Project Movie Trailer Omega's Accord

Hello my name is Jacob Adland Currently a Student going to ITT tech in Omaha Nebraska. My tag as you can see is VW PRODUCTIONS and no its not volts-wagon I'm currently working on my movie trailer for a movie idea of mine called Omega's Accord your typical end of world setting Right its production is still in phase one as i would like to say filming and title work right now its not a full movie just a trailer i get my inspiration for this movie from  The Bible, Science,other movies such as Push,Last air bender, legion, star wars, lord of rings and a few others. I also get some inspiration from Anime and manga's Bleach mostly :) "Omega's Accord" is about mankind basically making a God and well God doesn't like that. the devil sees this as a oppritunity to overthrow god. God sends his angels and his son Jesus and even Death Himself against the Human Gods there are a handful with many powers that one might feel God actually has pretty scary this is all loosely based on God created man in his image also brings in Revelations as in I am Alpha and Omega beginning and End well that raps up the blog